
Thursday, September 29, 2016

If you give a cat a cupcake...

I love this story and so does my class.
It is so much fun and the PURRRRRfect activities accompany it in this packet.

Look at the cute cupcake for decorating and putting their birthday on.
We even made class cupcakes and decorated them.
(I made the cupcakes at home and brought in frosting.)
Following the decorating and eating we wrote...If you give a student a cupcake!!
Then to fit with our "how to" writing we wrote about making cupcakes.  You will love their responses.

Then there are a number of sequencing, cause and effect, and even some describing the different settings in the story.

There are 12 colorful vocabulary cards for posting and word work activities.
Syllables, ABC Order, Making Words, Word Search

The craft is so cute.  I also added a page topper to decorate their writing.

There is also some data collecting and 2 games.  The math focuses on addition to 12 and includes a recording sheet.
Besides the how to stories there are sequencing stories for the students with a class book cover and 3 differentiated final write pages.

If you complete this packet with your class they are sure to have lots of fun!

If you give a pig a pancake or a party

I bet she can't eat just one!!
My class had so much fun with this.
We actually had parent helpers come in and we made yummy pancakes.
Each child got a little Bisquick in a plastic cup and a spoon.
We added a little milk and then the stirred.
I had an electric frying pan in the classroom and poured, fried, and flipped each child's pancake.
Then we experimented with toppings and collected data.
But this packet is extra special because it covers two stories.
This pig also has a party!!

I think the crafts are adorable.  One for the party and one for the pancakes.
Page toppers are perfect for showcasing student writing.

There are many vocabulary activities as well as 24 colorful vocabulary cards for posting and sequencing.
Word work includes...ABC Order, Syllables, Compound Words, Word Searches, Making Words, Parts of Speech.  Five activities for each story.
When making words we form teams and see who can create the most words.
I was amazed at how many words could be made.
There are also many comprehension activities for each story.
Sequencing, Text to Self, Story Elements, Summarizing, Cause and Effect

Writing includes "how to", opinion, sequencing, and sensory.

There are graphic organizers and final write pages for posting and gathering ideas.

Math includes 2 games focusing on addition to 12.  I also love the data collection pages.
WOW...a story and a wealth of activities to enhance learning.

If you give a dog a donut.

Who doesn't love a donut?
This adorable story goes beyond the donut though as the boy and the dog go on a number of adventures.

There are activities for story elements, sequencing, cause and effect, and fact or fiction.

Word work is included and colorful vocabulary cards for posting.
ABC order, making words compound words, word search

I love that you give a student a donut.
What will happen?
We made our own donuts using canned biscuits in the refrigerator section and an electric frying pan.
We heated oil in the frying pan.  Poked a hole in the biscuit, and dropped it in.
Cook, flip, and lay on paper towel to soak up oil.
In paper bags have powdered sugar or cinnamon sugar.
FROST if like.

Students created stories and wrote how they thought you could make a kite.
There are several on You Tube.
There is also sensory writing and sequencing.

And I love the craft.
Perfect for bulletin board and  paper topper.
Students can create a class book about If You Give A Dog a Donut.
Math is also included with subtraction to 12.

If you give a moose a muffin...

You class will love imagining a MOOSE eating a MUFFIN.

And what if they were given a muffin?
We made ours in class because we have access to an oven but even mini muffins could be purchased and shared. Parents often are wonderful about volunteering to make something for the class.
It can be fun reading how your class thinks a muffin is made.

The packet also includes a sequencing activity as well as a cause and effect. 
The children will enjoy completing the sensory activity and the character analysis.

Word work includes a word search, ABC order, parts of speech and more.
There are 12 colorful vocabulary cards for posting and sequencing.

Data collection is included and a Bingo Math Game.  

The craft is a moose which can be a page topper or a placed on a bulletin board.  Notice the class cover page as well as graphic organizers for students to gather their ideas.
The packet also includes an opinion page...would a moose make a good pet.
To help them decide there is a reading for detail.
It also includes paragraph writing about muffins and a how to for making muffins.

If you give a mouse a cookie...

If you read your class this story...they are sure to have fun learning!
What a wonderful way to introduce recall, sequencing, and predictions.
I have heard this story so many times and I can guarantee you I never tire of it!
You won't either!!

I like to enhance the activities with "If you Give a Student a Cookie" and then actually MAKE them!!
There are colorful and black and white buttons for putting on a baggie with cookies in it.

And think of the fun your class will have making these delightful cookies.

The packet also contains activities on story elements, cause and effect, sequencing and character analysis.

Remember the chant "Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?"
Your class will LOVE clapping the chant and then solving the riddles to see who DID steal the cookies.

There are math games, a word search along with other word work activities using -ook, and a class book to make.

The craft is a mouse which can be used as a page topper on this writing paper or a bulletin board.

Writing includes "how to" stories as well as writing about "If You Give A Mouse a Cookie"!