
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"Techy" Tuesday!!

Stop by this site and get a free template as well as suggestions for free computer sites your kiddos will enjoy!!  I am the featured blogger:)

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Spartan Nation is celebrating!! On to the Final Four!
Who else is out there cheering for MSU or who?
Belle Barrett and I are MSU!!
What about you!!??

Congratulations Lori!!

Lori from my home state of Ohio won the Eric Carle giveaway.
It was so much fun seeing how the entries were from near and far!
Bless you all for entering.  I hope you will enjoy the packet Lori and I hope the entries will enjoy the packet I sent to each of you!! We will do another one soon.

Friday, March 27, 2015

I'm so excited!!!

First which one will I choose!!??
I already have a 100 pound black lab named Jack but I cannot wait to pick up his new brother.
We are going to call him Zack.
Jack and Zack...Perfect:)
This was Jack as a puppy.  He is now four and excited for a friend.

Next...don't forget to sign up for the freebie below.
It is a great packet and my first try at Rafflecopter.

Finally...this is my most recent updated packet!!

Happy Friday all!!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Eric Carle Giveaway!!

This is one of my most popular items and has just recently been updated.
It contains "craftivities" for:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The Grouchy Ladybug
The Foolish Tortoise and others!!
Starts tomorrow at noon and ends on Sunday.
Enter to win!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

No "foolin"...freebie!

One week from today is April Fool's Day!
I am not "foolin'" when I say this product will be free until Friday!
Pick it up now...all you have to do is FOLLOW ME please!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Click Clack Peep!...

Let's see who is watching.
This will be FREE until Monday when it will go on sale for $2.00.
I always try to keep prices affordable.

Thought for the day!

Friday, March 20, 2015

SPRING...You must have been a beautiful baby!!

Fresh off the "redo" press and I am thrilled with the results.
Our district has a "human growth and development" plan.
This packet addresses it perfectly.  It is so much fun seeing the kiddos baby pictures and then comparing them to today.  The craft is perfect for the bulletin board...You must have been a beautiful baby!!"  Happy Spring all!!
Don't these look real??!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Friday Freebie!!

Spring is upon us and two popular Springtime animals are the duck and the rabbit so....
Why not begin with the delightful story by Amy Rosenthal...Duck! Rabbit!?

This is perfect for the primary student.  In this freebie I have embedded several standards that the kiddos will enjoy completing.
First off ... "What you see?"
Students collect key ideas from the text and then write a paragraph.

Next is a data collection activity.  Students will enjoy asking their friends what they saw and maybe even trying to do some convincing.
The packet also includes two other activities where students use recall skills from the story.  It may need rereading!!  What fun having the children chime in as you read the pages.

Two other of my favorites for the classroom are...
This is an absolute favorite of the kiddos and brings smiles and creative thinking.

This is perfect for 1st graders..exclamation mark...especially to provide opportunity for discussion and practice with punctuation skills!!

Enjoy Duck! Rabbit! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Clever Tom!!

The Leprechaun stopped by today and left our tiny hats and an "elf" cookie treat.
We read Clever Tom and the Leprechaun followed by some creative ideas on HOW WOULD YOU CATCH A LEPRECHAUN.  My teammates had their kiddos make traps but my class is a little "out of their bubbles" this year sooooo we wrote about catching them instead.  Not nearly as much fun BUT we were able to keep the kiddos under control.  I need a little "elf" magic on a daily basis this year!! Oh I did do something out of the ordinary and sprinkled a tiny "fairy dust" sparkles...on their desk.  I told them if they keep VERY quiet that this "fairy dust" attracted leprechauns.  So you see my plan of action!!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Hello Monday!!

Are you ready for St. Patrick's Day???!!!
I love all the shenanigans BUT it puts my class in such an uproar!!
The "saints" be with me I never know if I will survive that tricky little leprechaun visiting us!
Today we start with The Night before St. Patrick's Day and then we decorate our cups to bake that turn into tiny leprechaun hats. (a cute example of the idea)

Check out the craft for today!! Love this little fella and plan to hang him in the classroom.

Best of all I stopped by the Scholastic Book Fair.
Couldn't leave without a few goodies.
Found these...
Sorry about the glare...
I can't wait to add these as freebies to the complete units.
Cows that Type/Giggle Giggle Clack
Pete the Cat
Stay tuned.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Exciting News for you and me!

Hi all...
I am teaming up with iTeach 1st.

Each day of the week the blog will be specific about a topic.
That should be helpful to you and to me as we gain well planned activities by other 1st grade teachers.  Follow along and join in the fun!

Friday, March 13, 2015

It's your lucky day!

Stop by for a sale this weekend!!

Laura Numeroff and a giveaway!!

It was a week of treats!!
Pancakes, donuts, cookies, muffins, and finally today cupcakes!
Just like cat we had sprinkles EVERYWHERE!


Donuts were made from biscuits.  Poke a hole and put in hot oil.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar or frost them.

And of course tons of crafts!
Look at these cuties...

Along with all the fun we had some super Core Curriculum activities...
Vocabulary included!

For the weekend this free packet will be up.  I will take it down Monday of next week so get it quick!!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

I've got Spring Fever!!

I so have Spring Fever and so what better way to solve it than start preparing for my April Curriculum.  One nice thing about writing your own curriculum is that you are assured each and every standard is covered, practiced, and enforced while allowing for creativity and a little FUN!!
I always plan using my spreadsheet.  It is available in my Editable Teachers Packet.
Obviously I need to get busy on Unit 6 and my Money packet.
I also am going to update to my ink... the ecology packet.

This is the editable binder and I am sure it goes above and beyond what you will need to have a successful year.  Best of all it is EDITABLE!!

Going to start with this.  I can't wait to hang these to decorate for Spring.

Another quick but neat craft is this!

 It really is just play "bunny" fun!!
This is a tremendous long term packet that includes many stories for April.
This will be my science for the month.
For those of us in the northern part of the USA a welcome WEATHER change has arrived.

And as always I LOVE these math games for practice, review, enrichment.
Perfect for parent helpers, free time, supplement.

I wish I could give you each and every packet for free but that would defeat my secondary purpose for creating.  I do it first because they make my classroom a special, enjoyable, curriculum based with rigor, and creative place for kiddos to learn.  I do it second because as a teacher I enjoy using others products that are teacher tested and written by those who know best TEACHERS! I do it finally because I LOVE designing curriculum and watching students smile and learn as they participate.  Since I cannot give them all away I so have this freebie for you!  I so hope you will enjoy it!!
Tomorrow we will get back to our Laura Numeroff ideas.
Moose and muffins yesterday.
Dog and donuts today!!
Tomorrow cat and cupcake with another freebie!!