
Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday...a reason to celebrate!! (freebie)

A friend of mine posted this and I thought "It perfectly sums up how I SHOULD be feeling".
It is the last Friday of the school year.
It is one day closer to the weekend.
And my room is finally emptied for the next teacher who will arrive.
This is what I have packed to take with me.
Yep 3 tubs and some decorations.
But I am filled with memories I have made and will never forget as I shared with my peers and families.
I am trying to look forward to other things that make me happy.
My home is finally for sale AND the flag pole is purchased and up on the end of our newly extended dock/deck making me a continued proud Spartan.

So today in our countdown is our class picnic and we are going to focus on Classroom Memories.
This one is for YOU!!

My blog will continue.  Now I will have more time to share ideas and curriculum I have learned along the way!!
Happy Friday everyone!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Watermelon Day!!

Second day of our countdown.
We had so much fun with Watermelon.
We read informational text.
Created pieces of watermelon.
Made predictions with The Watermelon Seed.
We also collected data.  That is the freebie for you!!

There were a "melon" reasons we loved 1st grade.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

End of the year themes!!

Today is friendship!!
What fun we had...
With each activity we completed it with a new "friend".
Fun times...
Here are a few examples.
The favorite was the "friendship snack".
For you there is a FREEBIE...Find A Friend!

And the freebies for you!!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Friday Freebie!!

You must stop by this site tomorrow to see my "guest blog"!!
It is filled with freebies and ideas on how to Keep Brains Energized All Summer Long!
While you are there I'd love it if you would leave a comment.
It makes me feel like someone is paying attention.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Memorial Day Freebie...Updated

Avoiding Summer Brain Drain!!

Avoiding "summer brain drain" can be a real challenge for parents. 
this packet is filled with exciting activities and games for reading, writing, phonics, and mathematics. They are a simple print and go!
Teachers...this packet is perfect to send home with your kiddos.
Each section begins with an exclamation for parents on the importance and directions for the activities.
It contains:
10 Computer Site Suggestions
Computer Record Sheet for site, time spent, focus activity
Reading Record Sheets
Coupons for Reading
5 Comprehension ...main idea, character review, sequencing, story recall, story elements
Phonics Activity...Let's make Words
Writing Bingo...stickers to cover spots
Templates for writing...narrative, how to, opinion, caption, letter
Mathematics...shapes, facts, sequencing, number sense
Games for partners or independent.

By the end of the summer you will be thrilled with your child's progress and teachers you will be glad you provided this opportunity for your families!! Michele

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Visiting Author

Today David Catrow came to visit our building.

For each presentation...K/1   2/3   4/5  he did 6 illustrations.  They were wonderful.  We are not trying to decide what to do with them.

In preparation we read many of his books.

My class decided their favorite was I Ain't Gonna Paint No More! Check out our painting project!
It was a fabulous day!!

Monday, May 11, 2015


Free packets for those who ENTERED the Giveaway Contest.
More to come soon.

Follower Appreciation Winner!!

I absolutely loved reading all the entries and dates of final days!!
I feel sorry for June 24th and July 4th...and wish I was May 15 or May 19th!

The winner was Veronica!  Congratulations!!
She will have plenty to keep her busy from now until she is out in less than 2 weeks.

And because I appreciate you all entering you can all have a free topic just by emailing me your choice:
Popcorn Day
Bubble Day
Watermelon Day
Ice Cream Day
Birthday Bash Day

Email me at
Hope to hear from you and thanks for entering!!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Follower Appreciation!

Enter this GIVEAWAY for seven, completely updated, fun filled days to keep kiddos engaged and happy until the end of the year!!  Starts today and ends Monday!  \

If you already have this NOT TO WORRY!  I am going to do another bundle later this week!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Teacher Appreciation!!

A gift from my class!!
If you look closely each child's name is on the poster in a letter.

Teachers Appreciation Week

Our parent club is AMAZING!!
Each day this week they had a lunch for us...
Monday...Soups and Salads
Theme: You are the "highlight of our week"!
On table highlighters.
Tuesday...Cinco de Mayo...Mexican
Theme: You are "extra" nice
Gum on the tables.
Wednesday...Chick Fil A...
Theme We love you a "latte".
Special coffee on the table.
Today...Build a Sandwich
Theme: You are Worth a Grand
Candy bar on tables.
Can't wait for tomorrow!!
WOW...Thank you parents.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

New for me!!!

I tried my hand at some phonics packets.
Free until tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM.
Please leave feedback.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Happy Friday...Happy May!

Good grief!
Have no idea where April went but my classroom is alive in May already!
Our plants are really reaching tall and we just planted a week ago.  For someone who does not have a green thumb that is a miracle.  I have started using the little seed starter pellets where you add water, they puff up, and you plop the seeds in.  I then transfer them into the smaller pots once they have started.  We have really seen each stage of growth and I am thrilled!! We have not made the craft yet but I will post as soon as we do.

Next, two of our butterflies have hatched!  We are waiting for the others.  Watching the complete life cycle is so amazing.  Metamorphosis is a miracle in my opinion!!

And how can you forget moms and their babies.
Next week we celebrate moms along with what they were like as a baby.  We include asking parents to write a letter and also send in pictures.  As a class we each get an egg to care for.  LOL that is a learning experience.  Some are so very careful and others...well let's just say they have a great deal of maturing to do!  The baby pictures are always such a joy.  I am including the sheets so you can do it with your class.

For mom we are inviting her to a Magic Show. 
This entire packet is free!
Show mom a little magic like she works on YOU!!