
Saturday, July 9, 2016

ABC's of Successful Teaching...Differentiation!

We've all heard...
Every student is an individual and needs to be treated as such.

And so when we think of DIFFERENTIATION we can really become overwhelmed.
How as an educator do I DIFFERENTIATE curriculum so that I meet the needs of every student in my classroom as an individual?
DIFFERENTIATION takes planning and with an educator's plate already full this task can seem daunting.
Let's look at making learning enjoyable and attainable for every student.

DIFFERENTIATION consists of the efforts of a teacher to meet the variety of needs among learners in the classroom.  
Think about what are the big ideas, core concepts, and your learning expectations.  
Then think about ways to help students achieve them.
Let's look at some ways teachers can DIFFERENTIATE.
  • Leveled reading.
  • Using small groups to teach, reteach, and extend.
  • Varying the expectations (write words, write a sentence, write a paragraph).
  • Providing choices for way to present a final product.
  • Provide manipulatives or support tools for students who need them.
  • Present material using verbals, visuals, and modeling.
  • Provide flexible and varying means of assessment.
  • Use questioning techniques adjusted to student's ability.
These suggestions show that a teacher can DIFFERENTIATE content, environment, teaching strategies, and products.

Here are some things I have found helpful in my classroom.
Look for content, environment, teaching strategies, and products used in the following samples.

I love these leveled graphic organizers, editing pages, and final copy pages.
Students all on the same topic but different levels of idea gathering, editing, and writing.

The ones above are free in the packet below but this is the growing monthly bundle I am creating.
Here is September:

Here are two different samples of math activities with built in differentiation.
The first are three levels of "number bonds".  Can you spot the different levels of thinking?

This one is an example of " place value".

This bundle contains tools, games and activities like the ones above.

Games are another terrific way to differentiate.
Here is a partner game using adjectives.
You can pair students accordingly.
There is a sheet for accountability and assessment.
Finally practice if needed.
NOTE:  For the early finisher provide another challenge.
On the back write sentences using the adjectives.
Highlight them.

This is my favorite for language.
It of speech, punctuation, antonyms, synonyms, rhyme, ABC order and MORE!
