
Thursday, September 15, 2016

Christopher Columbus...Who was he?

Helping your class to understand the importance of explorations and the discoveries that are made is key to do with your class.
Christopher Columbus provides us with that opportunity.
Did he discover America?
What did he find and what key concept did he believe in that helped move the discovery of the new world in motion?
This packet is filled with things to help you present these concepts using common core standards.

There is a mini book for each student.  Perfect for coloring, reading and highlighting key concepts.
A sequencing page on the journey Columbus made.

A poem for reading and using the text to gather facts.  This is followed by a math game for students to play with a partner.

There are plenty of graphic organizers for gathering ideas and facts as well as a class cover book and leveled writing pages.

I love developing vocabulary as you know if you follow me.
One reason students do poorly when reading and on assessments is a lack of knowledge of basic vocabulary or how to use clues in the text to discover meaning.

Assessment can be done with this simple SCOOT game that can be completed in small groups.
The students always love this movement assessment and are ready to discuss answers at the end.
Then What in the world?  Students will describe to Christopher Columbus things we have today that he did not have.  

The packet ends with a cut craft of an earth, boat, brad.  They can sail their boat around the world upon completion.

Before you begin the mini lesson you might want to see...
What do they wonder?
What do they know?
And at the end What did they learn?


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