
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Winter Math Games..Numbers 1 to 10

Why math games?
Math games are away to move away from paper pencil activities.
Math games allow students to practice cooperation as well as math skills.
By placing partners accordingly you can assure accountability.
They are great formative assessments as you observe.
They provide opportunities for students to talk about strategies and MATH!!
The following games focus on Numbers 1 to 10 plus a little number sense.

There is a Home/School connection sheet provided.
Many of the games can be sent home to play with parents or older brothers and sisters.
Number lines and a number grid are included.
Run on heavy paper.
These games are ideal for partners or small groups.
Use them in centers or for indoor recess or even choice time.
I suggest playing the game first as a whole group and then have partners play so they are familiar with rules.

Holiday buttons and Fuzz Balls are perfect for markers.
You will also need DICE.

Down We Go is all about counting up and Snowball Fight works with counting while recognizing Greater Than, Less Than and Equal.

Bingo focuses on matching number words to numbers.
There is a practice sheet as well or use the sheet as assessment.

Snowball throw works again on counting and number recognition.

Guess My Number is like Monster Squeeze.
More Than, Less Than

Catching Snowflakes is practice with one to one correspondence.
Let's Make 10 is fun with simple addition.

These games focus on Odd or Even numbers.


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