
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Classroom Decor...

First don't forget to enter the Giveaway.
An adorable book and the perfect packet to go with it!

Next on to a little more of the Classroom Decor items.
Yes, you still need to use your imagination.
And yes, I am so disappointed in how the pictures turned out BUT
you will get the idea.

First here is a Teacher's Binder cover to fit the theme of your classroom.
Not trying to sell but this packet is ideal for you and your binder.
It will really help you get organized and just like this packet it is editable.

Oh, how I love framing things for the room.  You can get inexpensive frames at the $1 store and other places.  I got this at Target for $3.  
You can frame center signs, classroom rules and more.  

Hard to see but this is the welcome banner.  I used large colorful buttons to "bling" it up!!

And the letters that if they were laminated would not curl...WELCOME!
Each of these items making your class feel welcome.

Next is my clip up clip down items.
I do not put everyone up everyday!!
I try for two super students each day and I love it when I NEVER have to send home a I Can Do Better for Teacher's Choice.
The notes are included in this packet.

This packet is filled with so many WONDERFUL items.
It is editable and all for $5
Things I didn't post...clock, calendar, number cards...

And remember these are free!!

My new motto for the rest of the summer...
Products perfect for meeting the needs of your classroom and perfect on a teacher's pocketbook!
Prices are minimal to help you afford getting ready for the New Year!!

Let me know how else I can help!!


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