
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Teaching Comprehension Strategies with November Literature

I love these packets.  Each month I select favorite stories that carry on the theme of the month and then add comprehension strategies and activities to them.

Each story has 3 comprehension strategies to focus on and then activities that reinforce these skills.

There are directions for the teacher and most of the suggested literature can be found on YouTube.

It's November so Let's Talk Turkey!!

This time of the year is perfect for allowing our kiddos to CREATE and IMAGINE.
Two areas that promote thinking...outside the box!

Here are four of my favorite stories to read!
Each one is perfect for "talking turkey"!
One of my all time favorites is 'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving.
Here is a complete freebie for you to accompany this story.

 The other story I think is so enjoyable for the kiddos is Turkey Trouble.
What fun it is to create a board with all of the student's "turkey disguises"!
I have created a template for you to use. What could I be?  I suggest that you make a cardboard template for each student and then provide paper for them to create.  Some teachers send this home as a homework assignment.  You decide.  What a great way to have the kiddos use their imagination.
Click here for many examples.
10 Fat Turkeys gives many more ideas on what a disguise could be.

Students can also create a turkey with this simple pattern.  Perfect for a bulletin board or for hanging in your classroom.  The patterns are included in the packet below. (FREE)

I like to post this with the turkey craft.  What would a turkey be thankful for?
This poem is delightful and fun for the kiddos to read together.  It is followed by using this text to "talk" with the turkey.

The packet ends with...
If I were a turkey...
and what does a turkey think of would a turkey complete this activity?

I hope you will enjoy these activities.  They allow for creative thinking and the use of the imagination.  CREATE AND IMAGINE opportunities for your class to "think outside the box"!


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

CLICK, CLACK, BOO!...I've got a treat for you!

I am so excited!
Because I am so grateful for you I have a treat and a SALE!

and a treat!!

It is focused on one of my favorite Halloween stories.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Upcoming Giveaway!


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Mighty Math Center...Numbers and Operations in Base Ten

Second packet ready to go!
As an educator what I really like about these is that each game and activity is specifically designed to meet a standard. Each game starts with the skill it matches.  I also included for you the "actual standards" and then "simply put" or I Can...
Embedded in the games I worked hard to create activities that would encourage communication and thinking outside the box!
So with this packet you get:
A list of standards or I Can.
Directions for posting.
Game or Games to support each standard.
Record keeping sheets for each game to check student accuracy.
Practice pages.
Lets take a peek!!
Find it here!

These are samples of the practice pages for this skill.

Here are samples of two other activities in this specific section. Note that each game or center activity has record sheets so that you can check accuracy of the student's work.
Here are some samples of other activities in the packet.

SORRY!! (the TAC will not be underlined in red on your product)
Place Value

Giveaway winner announced!

Thank you to all who entered!!
Congratulations to Tina our winner!!
Next Giveaway NOVEMBER 1st
Here are the choices...what would you like to see?
$50 TpT
2 $25 winners TpT
$50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Mighty Math Centers...Operations and Algebraic Thinking!

Hi everyone!
I am so excited.  We have 80 people signed up for the $25 TpT Gift Certificate on the Giveaway!
Hip Hip Hooray!!!!
I can't wait to see who wins.
If you haven't signed up yet head on over and "GET IT DONE"!

Now on to the post...
I was busy all week creating Math Centers to enhance math strategies and skills.
For this reason I am naming them...
I intend to complete 4 packets.
This one is on Operations and Algebraic Thinking.
My goal was to create materials for students to manipulate as well as practice pages. So let's take a peek.
The packet starts with a list of all the standards for the teacher to keep track of.  I have an "official wording" and a "simply put" or I Can statements.
The activities cover each of the standards.  You might want to put an 
"I Can..." statement in the center as the kiddos are working.

I can solve addition and subtraction word problems to 20.
The apple center is for addition and the turtle is for subtraction.
I show you both so you can see I created them both in color and in black and white.

I can solve word problems by adding three numbers whose sum is equal or less than 20.

Each center also includes directions for you and the kiddos. 

The practice pages for these encourage the use of strategies.

I can count on to add and count back to subtract.
I absolutely love this game and it can be played individually or with a friend.
I also included practice pages for this skill and a record keeping sheet so you can assess student accuracy.

I can fluently add and subtract within 10.
For this I created flash cards that can be made for each student and stored in a baggie or just available in a center.  There are also two amazing "CHANTS" that encourage putting facts to memory.

The flash cards can also be used for sorting, playing memory, or a number of other suggestions listed in the packet.

I can figure out a missing number in an addition or subtraction equation.
For this I use base ten.  There are base ten frames from 1 to 10 in both color and black and white.

I feel confident that between the interactive games and the practice sheets your class will become Mighty Mathematicians!!