
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Let's Write April!

This is a comprehensive writing program that will have your class writing, 
writing effectively and having fun while doing it.
There are four literacy suggestions.
Each literacy suggestion is used to engage students.
Used this month are:

Here are the activities for Froggy.
Complete lesson plans.

Each lesson begins with a grammar lesson.
Froggy works on complete sentences and punctuation.
Students are then encouraged to used this in their writing.

Next graphic organizers are provided to help students organize their thoughts.
For Froggy there is Sports I like to Play or Watch.

Students then do a "first write".
This is an opportunity for them to write and then edit their writing.
This is SO important.
If students never correct their mistakes they will not make a change in their writing.
There are two leveled ways for students to correct and complete a "first write" depending on their skill.

Final writes are available and even covers for creating class books.


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