This ABC Countdown to summer will keep your students engaged and excited about finishing the final 26 days of school.
Each day as a THEME related to the ABC's.
There are many suggestions to each day's theme but do as little or as much as you want!!
There is a note to send home to parents AND a countdown sheet for them to follow along with.
There is a clip art bus for you to hang in your classroom and tags to post for the countdown so you students will know what is coming next.
A is for ASTRONAUT and blasting off to the new grade.
There are opportunities for them to tell why they are a STAR and what their favorite activities are.
There is an astronaut for students to color and for you to put their picture in as well as what they are looking forward to in the next grade.
Finally there is word work for your literacy center and a math game for partners.
If you have time there is an imaginary trip to space for students to read and respond to.
So are you ready?
Follow along here for the letter activities.
I just love BUBBLES and your class will too!
Bb is for Bubbles because your class "blew" you away!!
And look at these cute wands your class can make.
If you have a tulip shape will it come out a tulip????
Wonderful activities for blowing bubbles and a Bubble Poem.
Read and use text to find answers.
Tags for your students bubbles.
Have parents donate them or go to the dollar store.
Two word work activities and a math game that involves addition and subtraction to 12 and 20.
Make a wish for next year.
Summer wish list and activities you like.
A classroom camping day is always so much fun and these activities will help you celebrate.
There is a letter for parents notifying them about this day as well as a reminder.
And oh what fun...
What would you rather do while camping?
How to make s'mores.
Opinion writing.
Word work and math games.
Finally favorite parts of the classroom this year.
And a little snack.
The snack shown is from my camping unit.
But the tag is idea for you doing a similar idea.
I "donut" know about you but there is nothing better than a yummy donut.
So what a perfect way to celebrate with your class.
Check out the activities and crafts below.
This author/illustrator has prepared literature that is loved by so many.
So why not celebrate E with Eric Carle and BOOKS!
There is a parent letter explaining about the day and activities planned as well as a reminder.
Students will learn about Eric Carle and then use the text to answer true/false questions.
A sequencing activity follows the Eric Carle study.
Then think about the year at a glance in terms of books!!
Word work and a math game are perfect for your centers.
Then look at this cute craft and activity.
Gotta love Eric Carle!
Ff is for friendship and I bet your class made lots of new friends this year to talk about.
These activities are so much fun and allow your class to communicate and share with their classmates.
A letter to parents and a reminder asking students to bring in goodies for a "FRIENDSHIP SNACK".
I love these!
Meet my friend, interviewing a friend and writing about a friend.
You can have students draw names or assign partners so everyone is included.
Then there are two wonderful class activities.
Find a friend...
Friendship discussion...would you rather/compare and contrast
Word Work activities and 2 math games accompany this set.
Gg is for Green...either "green" like a clean earth OR the color GREEN.
You pick and enjoy!!
Hat day is always so much fun. Children can wear a favorite hat OR create their own.
The activities here are perfect for celebrating a day with HATS!

The letter to parents helps explain about the day.
There is a reminder as well.
I love the data collection. Perfect for interaction and following directions as well as creating data and charting it.
Math bingo to 12 and 20.
Student discussion, Find a friend, and hats off to my teacher.
Every class enjoys a day with ice cream!
Here are a number of ideas to help you celebrate.
I love the craft and it is perfect for decorating a bulletin board, locker, or wall.
And this Mo Willems book is a MUST to read.
There is informational text about ice cream.
And look at these cute...HERE'S THE SCOOP!
Provide ice cream treats for kids and then let them pick a favorite topping.I love using the ice-cream in cup you find at the grocery store in the freezer section.
Just the right size.
There are some sequential writing activities and below you will see another data collection and a math and word search ideal for your centers.
Look at these cute kiddos with giggles and grins.
Your class will have so much fun giggling and grinning all day.
Jj is for Jokes!!
It's no JOKE next year...
This day is ideal to build KINDNESS and COMPLIMENTS in your classroom because...
There are rewards for you to use to "catch" you students being kind as well as notes for students to write compliments to one another.

Ll is for Leo Lionni!
Ideal for children's literature and character studies.
Learn a little bit about the author.
Bring in favorite books.
Have fun with Little Blue and Little Yellow.
Check out activities for Swimmy.
I am "o fish" ally...
Make a summer bucket list.
Two exciting math games with addition and subtraction to 12 and 20.
Nn is for Nighttime and that means...PAJAMA PARTY!
Find your favorite PJ's and join in the fun.
Word Work
Pajamas, Sleepover opinion, Snacks
Partner activities and a Find a Friend with pajamas
Finally 3 differentiated math games with record sheets.
Oo YES!!
Oo is for ORANGE.
Wear orange
Eat an orange snack
How many 2 letter words can you make from ORANGE?
Pp is for pirate!
Check out my Pinterest page for so many ideas!!
My class loves when I pull my mustache out.
It means a QUESTION is coming...Qq for Question!!
Your class will love celebrating "silly sock" and some of your students may even want to create some. Others will just wear some they have in their sock drawer.
Wear your favorite t-shirt OR bring a t-shirt for the class to collect autographs.
Ideal for closing the year with their classmates signatures.
A keepsake!!
I love the USA!!
Wave a flag and celebrate...PROU TO BE AN AMERICAN!
Where would you choose to vacation?
The countdown is nearing the end which means V is for Vacation!!
There are a "melon" reasons why I loved school this year!!
End of the year booklet, autographs and so much more!!
عزيزي الزبون قد تجد العديد من مؤسسات النقل ولكن يلزم ان تكون علي معرفة بإمكانيات المؤسسة التي تقوم باختيارها والتعامل معها في عمليه النقل، وهذا لأنه يترتب على اختيارك لها نتائج سوأ كانت بالسلب او بالإيجاب، فلابد من ان تتسم بالحرص القوي اثناء اختيارك للشركة التي تقوم بمثل تلك العملية، فقد يظهر لك الامر يسير في الطليعة، ولكن لا مفر من الاختيار الجيد لها، وذلك يعتمد علي وجود الكثير من الخبرات الضرورية لنقل الأثاث، والتمكن في الشغل من منحى الأيدي العاملة المتاحة والمدربة بالمؤسسة، فكن حريص في اختيارك.
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