
Saturday, February 5, 2022

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!


I know I am!!
What to do:
Have the class dress in their team colors or team shirts.
(You can make it a choice day or specifically ask them to choose between the two teams playing.)
Pop popcorn for the snack of the day.
Create a "player" in your team colors.
I use the head craft and then create a wall graph.  Talk about favorite, by how many.
The players are also adorable especially if made in their favorite team colors.
Print vocabulary (colorful with pictures) and place it in the writing center on on your word wall.
Print on heavy paper the bookmarks for each student.

Follow the day using the theme related activities.
Reading:  informational text, mini books.  Collect key points on graphic organizer provided.
Complete true or false for comprehension.
Have in the center or complete independently the Fact/Opinion activities.
Word Work:  There are so many choices.  Parts of speech, abc order, syllables, word search, make words.
You could divide into partners or small teams and compete which team can create the most words.
Writing:  Opinon or Sensory
At a game I might see, hear, taste, touch, yell!!
Math: Yep even math games have been included with a football team.
So many choices to create the perfect FOOTBALL themed day!
Your class will CHEER for more!


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