
Showing posts with label teacher materials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teacher materials. Show all posts

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Parent, Teacher, Student Conference Schedule

It is that time of the year when parent teacher conferences are just around the corner.
This packet contains a number of suggestions and activities that will hopefully make these important forms of communication a success.
Start with scheduling.
Don't forget to give yourself a break.
Print extra schedules so you can put one outside your door and another by your side to keep you on track.
Before the conference send a note to parents with a reminder of the time they are scheduled for and important information about the conference and why these face to face meetings are so important. 
On a creative note have students write a note to their parents and have parents write the students as well.
This is a great page to prepare ahead of time to put your talking points down.
What are student strengths?
What are areas to focus on?
What are the goals for the next grading period?
 Give parents a SNAPSHOT of the progress their child is making.  You can do this by using specific scores and work samples. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Parent/Teacher Conferences!


I absolutely love this packet for Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Makes organizing your short time with parents valuable and you assessment of students accurate.
It is also a wonderful time for you to take time to reflect on student progress and set new goals.
I hope you find this resource as helpful as I do.