
Monday, August 24, 2020

Addition to 10 ...Games, Tools, Vocabulary and Distance Learning

I LOVE this resource for distance learning, the computer center or individual practice on the computer.
Each slide is a review and provides practice for Addition to 10!
Slide One:  Game, 4 in a row, 
Slide Two: Count, click and drag to make 10
Slide Three:  How many are hiding with a total of 10?
Slide Four:  What makes a total of 10?
Slide Five: Counting on to make 10.
Slide Six:  Counting on to make 10.
Slide Seven:  Turn Around Facts
Slides Eight and Nine:  Story problems using a picture graph.

This resource fits perfect with any math program. 
It provides a home connection, vocabulary cards and goals for mastering addition to 10. (But we will say 12 because in some of the games the sum of two dice is used.
There are tools for supporting students:  Number lines, number grids, number bonds, ten frames
These are followed by games that support: counting on, ways to make 10, finding the missing addend
Lots of fun!  The games encourage partner practice and communicating about math.


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