
Sunday, August 30, 2020

Elections for the Primary Child!

The conventions are over and the campaign is beginning.
Introducing the election process to students is so important...not just presidential but learning that every election brings about important changes that effect us AND the people get a vote.
Every packet has these informational text pieces to share about the candidates for this year.

So be prepared to teach your students about ELECTIONS and VOTING
The resource includes:
Informational Text..two levels for reading 
The Parties...Acoustic Poetry and Pictures
The Trip to the White House...Poster...Cut and Paste in Order, Order Vocabulary from the process
Colorful Vocab cards for posting
Let's Make Words...President
ABC Order...Election Vocabulary
Word Search
Definitions...cut and paste to match
Writing...Graphic Organizers (Hillary, Donald, The President, The Election
Writing Book Cover for final class product
Book Companions...
The Elections...Info text, word work, writing, graphic organizer, final write
My Teacher for President...Cut and Paste three details, Opinion write, Highlight responsibilities, 
Which leader is that?
Would you be a good President...write
Class graph for who feels they would and wouldn't like to be President

Duck For President...
Opinion Writing/Details
Compare and Contrast leadership, Farmer Brown
Prepare Poster for your candidate
Take a or Farmer Brown?
Graph the class information


Then new this year is the Google Slides resource.
Perfect for virtual learning or center work.
Slide One:  Informational text on The President
Slide Two:  Making words with the letters from PRESIDENT
Slide Three: Would you make a good president?  Share why
Slide Four: Informational Text about Political Parties
Slide Five: Working with Democrat and Republican
Slide Six:  Informational Text on Donald Trump
Slide Seven:  Writing about Donald Trump
Slide Eight: Informational Text about Joe Biden
Slide Nine:  Writing about Joe Biden
Slide Ten:  Trip (steps) to the White House
Slide Eleven: Sequencing steps
Slide Twelve: Informational Text on the Elections
Slide Thirteen:  Cast your ballot...I would rather

                                                                       Find it here.

Looking for literature to support your theme...Duck for President is PERFECT!!

Doreen Cronin's A Duck For President is the perfect companion for introducing the young child to elections and voting.

Farmer Brown has a list of chores for all the animals on the farm. Duck does NOT like to do chores. He decides Farmer Brown must go and decides to hold an election.

Perfect for Presidents' Day and a discussion about elections.

Comprehension Strategies...

Recalling story details...somebody, wanted, so

Sequencing...story details...cut and paste

Story Elements...cut and paste

Cause and Effect

Word Work...

Definitions...cut and match (key election vocabulary)


Word Cards fro posting


Writing an OPINION piece on who would make the best president.

Class voting activity...

Ballots (Farmer Brown or Duck)

Voting stickers

Data Collection


Game Board...doubles practice

Take the ballot to the ballot box



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