
Monday, May 4, 2020

Silly Sock Day!...Paper Pencil or Distance Learning

Inside your socks your toes wiggle!
Silly socks make people giggle!!
Have fun with your class using a "SILLY SOCK" theme.

To begin there is a distance learning resource for your class.
It begins with an invitation.
Next your students will read informational text about socks.
They will then be asked to draw a pair of their silly socks and describe them.
And who hasn't lost a sock before?
With the lost and found sock the students will describe the missing sock and then predict where it was found.
This activity is followed with a poem about silly socks.
Students are to read the poem and then list as many words as they can think of that rhyme with sock.
Would you rather wear shoes and socks or flip flops?
Students are asked to write an opinion piece.
The resource ends with a little math working with pair.
What happens when you double any odd or even number?
Is the sum odd or even.

For paper and pencil.
Who doesn't love a pair of comfy silly socks?
This resource is devoted just to that!
Decorate your own silly socks.
Write about your silly socks.
Prepare a LOST poster for one of your silly socks.
Note home to parents sharing about wearing silly socks.
Compare and contrast two silly socks.
Word Work:  word search, rhyme, syllables, ABC order
And a math bingo game!

It's a Crazy Sock Day Celebration!
Whether it be a class reward, day before vacation, Spirit Week or a fun Friday having a crazy sock day with your class is always fun. This packet is filled with ideas to make that day SIMPLE for you to plan.

1 comment:

  1. What an incredibly fun and engaging Crazy Sock Day celebration! This resource offers a fantastic array of activities that are not only entertaining but also educational. From reading and writing to math and creativity, it covers it all. The students are sure to have a blast while learning and expressing their creativity with their silly socks. 🧦📚🎉
