
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Informational Text to Read and Write...Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison was a famous inventor.
This packet provides opportunities for your class to read and write using informational text.
The vocabulary is ideal for posting in the classroom.
The word work is perfect for your literacy center.
This National Geographic book is ideal to keep in your classroom.
Informational text comes in three forms differentiated for leveled reading.
There are also two leveled TRUE/FALSE pages to be used for assessment.

Have students highlight key information in the text as well as key vocabulary words.
They can then read and reread as well as gather information on these graphic organizers.

There is a time line to sequence Edison and his life as well are graphic organizers for developing meaningful paragraphs.  These are followed by three leveled final write pages.
 Final your class will have fun designing their own inventions.
I Have A Bright Idea!!


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