
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Weather! Let's Discover!!

I love this...We wake up to weather every day!! 
What difference does the weather make in your life?
Below you will find three amazing resources that will help your class discover...WEATHER!
8 slides...$2
Slide One: Informational Text...What is weather and how does it make a difference in our lives?  Students will respond to questions by clicking and dragging pictures to answer.
Slide Two:  Informational Text ...Meteorologist/Forecaster...Let's Make words from forecaster.
Slide Three:  Storms...Informational Text...Click and drag characteristics of specific storms.
Slide Four:  Weather Tools...Informational Text...Students put names of weather tools in ABC Order.
Slide Five:  Meteorologist...Graphic Organizer...Write about If I was a Meteorologist...
Slide Six:  Four Seasons...Informational Text...Which is your favorite and share why.

73 pages...$5
Totally updated and improved!
Take a peek!!
Spin and data

Weather Watcher
Daily Weather Chart
Temperature ...daily temperature page (students record actual temperatures and then make comparisons)
Forecast for the Day...Perfect for a class meteorologist

Informational Text on Weather...includes a glossary
Definitions and match
Compare and Contrast types of storms...cut and paste
Fact or Opinion

Class Book
Writing...independent student book, a paragraph, our favorite, persuasive (pre and final copy)

Roll and Read
Read for Detail
Make words with ai and ow (rain and snow)
Make Words with forecaster
Two sections added. One on storms with life pictures and another on meteorologist/forecasters and their tools.

65 pages...$4
Written for keg. NGSS but would totally be appropriate for 1st grade.
Look at the preview!

Student Activity Book Cover

Parent Letter...sharing what students will be covering and how they can help at home

Informational Text...Easy text explaining the topics

Vocabulary Cards for Posting

ABC Order

Word Search


Core Idea Posters

Each key concept has:

Anchor chart with key concept

Complete lessons plans

Student...Imagine That/Think About it Page

Activities to support core ideas.

Students will explore the concepts...

Weather is a combination of sun, wind, rain, snow, and temperature.

What would you do on a...


Activities for practice and review

People measure weather conditions to find patterns.

They will be weather watchers and forecasters.

Data collection for weather, temperature

Drawing conclusions from data

Activities for practice and review

Some weather is dangerous and can cause damage.

Pictures and text on rainstorm, snowstorm, hurricane, tornado

Compare and contrast

How would you prepare?

Local storms

Activities for practice and review

Sunshine/The sun warms the Earth's surface

Experiment with sand, rock, soil

Draw conclusions

Make connections to self

Things that melt



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